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“You know this low carb/KETO diet is “working,” but ultimately, you can’t keep up with it, so you give in a little by stealing a few french fries off your kids’ plate or indulge in that office bday cake party, and before you know it you are binging on any carb you can find within arms reach. Chips, candy, ordering pizza, it gets crazy.
You get on the scale, see the numbers increase, and immediately become even more frustrated. Even worse, you feel defeated.
Here’s the thing, it wasn’t the Carbs by themselves that reversed the numbers on the scale. Carbs are not evil, harmful, or the reason you are not in the body you want.”

Carbs are not your enemy!

carbs for weight loss



Let me introduce myself... Hi, I'm Laura Hamilton!

I am glad you are here! I love making new friends and cannot wait to get to know you better too! I'm a lifelong dieter turned nutrition/weight-loss expert. 
I have made SO MANY mistakes, learned SO MANY lessons and all I want to do is save you all TIME & MONEY and quite frankly your LIFE!  So take a spin and feel free to download anything I have to share and reach out and chat with me as well. I am on a mission to EMPOWER women to get the results they deserve without giving up their lives to do so!



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