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The idea of a claiming a growth mindset to achieve weight loss was not something I remember learning in any classroom growing up. It certainly was not discussed when it came to what I ate at home or on the playground. Instead, I remember the food pyramid hanging on the wall and on my kitchen fridge. How about you?
She helped me realize that so much of what I knew as truth was old and often incorrect information. My fixed mindset was built off of a model published in 1992 and never evolved. Instead of cutting a few calories to lose weight, I had hacked off half of my intake, practically sending myself into starvation mode.

But that was the ONLY way I knew to lose weight, and because it didn’t work, I considered myself a complete FAILURE.

What actually happened is I had developed a “fixed” mindset.

Claiming a Growth Mindset to Lose Weight

silhouette of a woman sitting on rocks looking out over a mountain with sunrise in the background



Let me introduce myself... Hi, I'm Laura Hamilton!

I am glad you are here! I love making new friends and cannot wait to get to know you better too! I'm a lifelong dieter turned nutrition/weight-loss expert. 
I have made SO MANY mistakes, learned SO MANY lessons and all I want to do is save you all TIME & MONEY and quite frankly your LIFE!  So take a spin and feel free to download anything I have to share and reach out and chat with me as well. I am on a mission to EMPOWER women to get the results they deserve without giving up their lives to do so!



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